Thursday, 7 February 2013

Playing with Faces...

This has been trickier than expected. The original face was cute but people had seen it before, and it wasn't really original, so here's the first attempts at changing it up a little:

 photo faces.jpg

The bundle of eyes at the top are a selection of types I found on the toys in my influence map. I tried to then create my own versions and I think 6 is successful and I still like that sloping shape on 3 but none are particularly cute.
 photo faces02.jpg

There is a lack of variety when it comes to face shapes here. I let myself get a bit caught up because I like the original so much so to correct this I'll be going back to the animals on my influence map and just having a go at throwing some new faces together. Gotta try and make them a little more cute but weird :)

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