Sunday 21 August 2011

Some Work on My Minion...

After my last few sketches I thought I should do a bit more tweaking on my minion, and so took the last drawing and worked from that:





After these rough sketches to establish how it might hold itself I thought I should have a go with it in Photoshop and see where it went:

I quite liked what I ended up with here so I thought I'd just try out a bit of colour:

The colours not great but it was just something to try out quick anyway.  I really like this as a basis for my minion, it's spindly and creepy and horribly faceless.  I originally wanted it to have some kind of hood but I wasn't sure how to do that without it just looking like I'd stuck one on (although with Ursula's tree-dress it might not be that silly...). The only way I thought that could be a natural way to cover its face would be hair, so I opted to go for thin, whispy long hairs that look, I think, pretty darn unsettling.

It's of course got a lot of work that needs doing. I need to go over the anatomy and work out how it would sit, run and generally hold itself. I need to work on whether it's hairy or slick, whether it should have some kind of clothing or just hair/fur.  It's a good place to start though, and I think it will be a good partner to the other rodent minion I made earlier :D


  1. That's great. Could easily be the design of a creature from Silent Hill or Resident Evil.

  2. Oh cool, thank you! I was worried it might be unoriginal or not creepy enough but if you think it looks like it could be something from silent hill then I must've got something right :D

  3. very nice indeed, Molly - great - and I love the outline drawing five up from the bottom. It's rather beautiful actually; there's something about that long straggly hair that presses my J-horror button - in a good way. I liked the rather more exaggerated hand-size in drawing number five too - fingers like rakes! Nasty. This is has lots going for it, Molly - onwards! :D

  4. Ayyyy! Brilliant, thank you! :D
    I'm really enjoying it too so I'll get on with the tweaking tomorrow. It's all very exciting so onwards indeed! XD

  5. I really like how you have made a skin texture. It looks very well.
