Monday 17 January 2011

My Essay Research list.

For your viewing pleasure, here is the list of sources I used to pick from in order to get my essay done:

We shall see the imagination build “walls” of impalpable shadows, comfort itself with the illusion of protection – or, just the contrary, tremble behind thick walls, mistrust the staunchest ramparts.” (Bachelard, 1994:5)
In its countless alveoli space contains compressed time. That is what space is for.” (Bachelard, 1994:8)
- Bachelard, Gaston (1994) The Poetics of Space. Massachusetts: Beacon Press

the opposite of what is familiar; and we are tempted to conclude that what is 'uncanny' is frightening precisely because it is not known and familiar” (Freud, 2001:220)
It may be true that the something which is secretly familiar...which has undergone repression and then returned from it, and that everything uncanny fulfills this condition.” (Freud, 2001:245)
Concerning the factors of silence, solitude and darkness, we can only say that they are actually elements in the production of the infantile anxiety from which the majority of human beings have never become quite free.” (Freud, 2001:252)
- Freud, Sigmund (2001) The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud: Volume XVII. London: Vintage

The Shining

"Like Wendy in her reaction to the kitchen, the audience feels both at home and lost within the hotel's vast public areas and its more intimate corridors and rooms. Like a maze-puzzle, and like the film itself, it has design and purpose" (Nelson, 2000:211)
- Nelson, Thomas Allen (2000) Kubrick, inside a film artist's maze Indiana: Indiana University Press

"a giant hedge maze, a passive institutional structure which favours no one and, depending on circumstances, serves anyone." (Ramussen, 2004:234)
- Rasmussen, Randy (2004) Stanley Kubrick: Seven Films Analyzed. North Carolina: McFarland & Company Inc.

"Every turn in his brisk route is a climax. a bubble of ear that bursts only to reform a moment later." (Jenkins, 1997:83)
"Kubrick pictures them not only in life but in gory death; his turn is towards the physical, the visual. and results in an amplified horror." (Jenkins, 1997:86)
- Jenkins, Greg (1997) Stanley Kubrick and the Art of Adaptation: Three Novels, Three Films. North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc.

"The uncanny gaze is structured in relation to the uncanny object, sensation or event in order to intensify the spectator's inner sense of foreignness, strangeness and doubleness." (Creed, 2005:30)
One of the most uncanny cinematic scenes depicts the ghosts of murdered twin sisters, victims of another demented father, awash in waves of blood that crash through the hotel corridors. Here the hotel is literally the body of horror, the place of the uncanny, where the failure of desire is transformed into waves of blood and death.” (Creed, 2005:19)
the director, has expanded time and effort in creating a familiar scene in order to transform it into the unfamiliar.” (Creed, 2005:30)
- Creed, Barbara (2005) Phallic Panic: Film, Horror and the Primal Uncanny. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press

The Haunting

"one of the last suggestive horror films that depended on careful construction of foreboding mood rather than bloody, violent shocks, attractions the big studios were not quite ready to provide."(Worland, 2007:90)
- Worland, Rick (2007) The Horror Film: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing

 "there is deeper, subtler creepiness at work here — the shadowy recesses of the human mind."(Nathan, 2006).
- Nelson, Thomas Allen (2000) Kubrick, inside a film artist's maze Indiana: Indiana University Press

Other books:

The Gothic, Edited by Gilda Williams, containing many exerts from various essays regarding the Gothic and Uncanny aspects of modern art.

Foul Perfection by Mike Kelley. Another collection of essays, this time of varying content but some including themes of the uncanny and all by or featuring Mike Kelley.