Wednesday, 2 February 2011

@Phil Can I borrow you?

I just wanted to have a general chat with you to be honest, partly about the last project and also how I can improve overall. I really appreciated the feedback on my marks sheet, I was just disappointed with how I let myself down and I REALLY want to make sure that doesn't happen again!

When are you usually free to talk to do you reckon? I always feel rude interrupting you if you're busy so I thought I'd better check first :)


  1. Hey Molly :-)

    I was going to come and find you myself. I don't want an 'unhappy Molly'. You must have heard of the other famous Molly - the 'unsinkable' Molly Brown? I want you to be unsinkable too. I knew you'd be disappointed, and in terms of 'letting yourself down' - maybe that's a bit too hard on yourself. Sometimes it doesn't go your way and it's not as if you weren't working hard - I just got the feeling that you suffered a kind of snow blindness - a brain freeze - a very temporary problem, I assure you. I'm due to give the Time Machine Briefing on Thursday, staring at 11am - so why not come for a chat at 10am ish in the cg arts baseroom? Nice and informal and all that...

  2. Sounds great! I shall see you there. Thanks a lot! :D
